Web of life: The world from the perspective of a gene

I decided to upload the slides from a presentation I gave today. I’m sharing this for educational use only.

Web of Life (Human Genetics Seminar, 26 November 2013)

It might not make a huge amount of sense all by itself but, if there is a demand, I might write out the presentation as a separate post.

Quicklinks: Bacteria, seafood and dolphins

I’m fairly busy this week so I’m not likely to have time to post anything substantial before Sunday. I don’t like this sitting empty though so I’ve found some more interesting links to share.

You might remember from earlier that I’m rather interested in how we live with bacteria. On that topic I saw two interesting articles lately. The first suggests that the bacteria living in your gut may play a role in your susceptibility to melamine poisoning and the second looks at how the bacteria living on our teeth have changed and what the effects of that have been.

Then there’s a bit about whether seafood feels pain. It’s interesting for me because I became a vegetarian for just those concerns. I’m confident other mammals feel pain and suffer just like us but it’s much harder to say anything about creatures that diverged much further back in time. In the end I decided it was just easier to cut out the grey areas by not eating any animals but it is good to know for certain.

Still in the sea, here are some more entertaining links. 10 reasons why dolphins are undeniably awesome and 10 reasons why dolphins are assholes.

Quick link: Germs are us

It’s been quite a long break but I really should start easing my way back into this blog. I’ll start by sharing a fairly long piece from The New Yorker titled Germs Are Us. I’m a little upset to have found this because it’s basically the same topic I used for my article for the science writing competition I told you about. Not only is it much longer than mine (I had a 700 word limit) but it also covers pretty much every point I did and then more. On the other hand it might just mean I picked a relevant topic.